Organizational structure of MCQST
We aim to achieve a lean and effective management framework, while at the same time realizing transparent decision-making structures and the involvement of all MCQST members. Active engagement of all MCQST researchers is provided through the MCQST General Assembly. All decisions (seed funding, Junior Research START Fellowships, conference support, etc.) of MCQST are made by the Executive Committee (composed of researchers at all career levels), in trying to identify the best and most promising research and applications relevant to the field of QST. The Executive Committee will be assisted by an Advisory Board, and is supported by the MCQST Office in all administrative tasks.

MCQST Speakers
Immanuel Bloch
Quantum Many Body Systems
MCQST Speaker
Equal Opportunity Manager
RU-B Co-coordinator

Executive Commitee
Immanuel Bloch
Quantum Many Body Systems
MCQST Speaker
Equal Opportunity Manager
RU-B Co-coordinator

Mari Carmen Bañuls
Tensor Networks and Quantum Many-Body Systems
Equal Opportunity Manager
RU-B Co-coordinator

Jonathan Finley
Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Systems
RU-E Co-coordinator
Research Website
Wolfgang M. Heckl
Deutsches Museum Director General & Oskar von Miller Chair for Science Communication @ TUM

Viviana Villafañe
START Fellow 2023
Distinguished Postdoc 2020
Postdoc Representative

Advisory Board
Quantum Information Theory | Stephanie Wehner (TU Delft) | |
Quantum Simulation | Dan Stamper-Kurn (UC Berkeley) | |
Quantum Computing | Rainer Blatt (UIBK / IQOQI) | |
Quantum Communication | Pascale Senellart (C2N - CNRS / Université Paris-Saclay) | |
Quantum Sensing | Markus Aspelmeyer (University of Vienna / IQOQI) | |
Quantum Matter | Erez Berg (Weizmann Institute of Science) | |
Explorative Research | Frank Verstraete (Ghent University & University of Cambridge) | |
attocube | Khaled Karrai |
Humboldt Foundation | Andrea Binder |