Quantum Science Blog

The MCQST Quantum Science Blog shares the stories of the people driving the research within our cluster. Featuring insights from MCQST community members and inspiring international experts, including our Distinguished Lecturers, the blog offers a glimpse into the daily lives of researchers. Enjoy exploring these inspiring stories and perspectives.



Hubert Filser
Andreas Wallraff: "This perseverance is what distinguishes our group"
Distinguished Lecturer | Interview

MCQST awarded physicist Andreas Wallraff the Distinguished Lecturer award. During his visit, we discussed research breakthroughs, the potential of quantum computing, exploring his perseverance, and passion for science communication.



Anca Ionescu
"While performing experiments, I feel we are exploring nature on a deep level"
MCQST community | START fellowship | Interview

Pau Farrera | Meet the MCQSTians: In this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community and offer insights into their research and career.



Hubert Filser
Peter Rabl: The Bridge Builder
MCQST community | Interview

Peter Rabl, Professor of Applied Quantum Theory at TUM and Scientific Director at WMI, has joined MCQST in 2023. His research includes hybrid quantum systems and quantum communication interfaces, modeling quantum systems for experimental use and developing new applications.



Seminar Series: NQS meets EQT
MCQST community

Creating synergies: PhD students kick-started a series of seminars to foster closer collaborations within MCQST.



Hubert Filser
Andreas Wallraff: "This perseverance is what distinguishes our group"
Distinguished Lecturer | Interview

MCQST awarded physicist Andreas Wallraff the Distinguished Lecturer award. During his visit, we discussed research breakthroughs, the potential of quantum computing, exploring his perseverance, and passion for science communication.



Anca Ionescu
"Identifying what truly excites you and persevering with patience is crucial."
MCQST community | Distinguished postdoc

Ipsita Das | Meet the MCQSTians: In this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community and offer insights into their research and career.



Claudia Leonhardt
Exploring Munich's Quantum Ecosystem: Alumni Insights into the Summer Bachelor Program
MCQST community

Meet two alumni of our summer program, who live and study in two different parts of the world but share the same love for science.



Anca Ionescu
"I am a theoretical physicist with a deep fascination for the experimental side of the field."
Distinguished postdoc | MCQST community

Sholeh Razavian | Meet the MCQSTians: In this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community and offer insights into their research and career.



Ian Stewart
Right Place at the Right Time: Master’s in QST in Munich
Interview | MCQST community

Aaron Sander was part of the first cohort attending the Master in QST program. Staying in Munich was not planned; however, Aaron made the most of the local ecosystem to foster his curiosity and passion for quantum physics.



Ian Stewart
"Just keep thinking"
Distinguished postdoc | MCQST community

Zahra Khanian | Meet the MCQSTians: in this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Ian Stewart
Layla Hormozi: Finding Her Own Way

Layla Hormozi of the Brookhaven National Laboratory gave a talk at MCQST in August 2022 as part of its Women in QST Series. We sat down with her to discuss her work, indirect career paths, and the exciting potential of topological quantum computing.



Ian Stewart
Wearing Quantum Science on Her Sleeve

Viktoria Patapovich is a Bachelor’s student in computer science and mathematics at LMU who wanted to connect with other people passionate about quantum computing. She combined her love of quantum science and painting to found a new online marketplace called Quantum Merch.



Hubert Filser
Mikhail Lukin: Entering a New Quantum World
Interview | Distinguished Lecturer

MCQST awarded physicist Mikhail Lukin the Distinguished Lecturer award in May 2022. We sat down with him to discuss how he began his career and what the future of quantum machines may look like.



Ian Stewart
“Be confident about what you know and be curious about what you don’t”
START fellowship | MCQST community

Aisha Aqeel | Meet the MCQSTians: in this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Emily Haworth
Quantum Hackathons: Easier Than Battling Imposter Syndrome?
Diversity | MCQST community

March 8th is International Women's Day. In order to highlight the experiences of women working in quantum science and technology, Master's student Emily Haworth reflects on her experience as a woman attending a quantum hackathon.



Ian Stewart
"I think it is important to always work towards a goal"
Distinguished postdoc | MCQST community

Farsane Tabataba-Vakili | Meet the MCQSTians: in this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Ian Stewart
"The broader research environment in Munich is outstanding"
START fellowship | MCQST community

Björn Sbierski | Meet the MCQSTians: in this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Hubert Filser
Seed Funding: A Match Made in Munich
Interview | MCQST community

MCQST's Seed Funding program helps launch a new project from Andreas Stier and Dominik Bucher



Margrit Lingner
The Magic of Rotated Graphene Sheets
Interview | MCQST community

Dmitri Efetov was recently appointed Professor of Solid State Physics at LMU. Learn more about his work with 2D materials, and how it brought him to Munich.



Frank Grotelüschen
Pascale Senellart: "I have to do quantum physics"
Interview | Distinguished Lecturer

Pascale Senellart developed a method to efficiently generate single photons using quantum dots. She discussed her career, her quantum tech startup, and her life in this interview.



Anca Ionescu
Coming to Munich was an easy decision
START fellowship | MCQST community

Nathan Wilson | Meet the MCQSTians: in this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Hubert Filser
Theodor Hänsch: A Lifetime of Curiosity

Professor Dr. Theodor Hänsch celebrates his 80th birthday on 30. Oct, 2021. What does the life of a Nobel Prize Winner look like? Science journalist Hubert Filser sat down with Prof. Hänsch to talk about a lifetime of scientific curiosity, his encounters with Steve Jobs, and why his work is not yet finished.



Ian Stewart
On the verge of a new paradigm
Distinguished postdoc | MCQST community

Viviana Villafañe | Meet the MCQSTians: they are curious about science and passionate about their research, have diverse careers paths, work in inter-disciplinary teams, and are at the forefront of the second quantum revolution. In this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Ian Stewart
Being an independent researcher means facing the challenges that come with freedom.
START fellowship | MCQST community

Cambyse Rouzé | Meet the MCQSTians: they are curious about science and passionate about their research, have diverse careers paths, work in inter-disciplinary teams, and are at the forefront of the second quantum revolution. In this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Anca Ionescu
Never believe that you are not good enough. Do not let anyone tell you that.
Distinguished postdoc | MCQST community

Ángela Capel Cuevas | Meet the MCQSTians: they are curious about science and passionate about their research, have diverse careers paths, work in inter-disciplinary teams, and are at the forefront of the second quantum revolution. In this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Anca Ionescu
Be open-minded. Be honest. Be motivated.
START fellowship | MCQST community

Nadezhda Kukharchyk | Meet the MCQSTians: they are curious about science and passionate about their research, have diverse careers paths, work in inter-disciplinary teams and are at the forefront of the second quantum revolution. In this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Anca Ionescu
I really enjoy the diversity of mathematics used for studying mathematical physics
Distinguished postdoc | MCQST community

Amanda Young | Meet the MCQSTians: they are curious about science and passionate about their research, have diverse careers paths, work in inter-disciplinary teams and are at the forefront of the second quantum revolution. In this series, we regularly feature members of the MCQST community.



Hubert Filser
Two worlds entangled: quantum technology and (bio)chemistry

Dominik Bucher, MCQST member, has received the prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) this year. Science journalist Hubert Filser has interviewed Dominik on his fascination with science, passion for chemistry, and working on pioneering interdisciplinary work .



Hubert Filser
Searching the Big Answers
Interview | START fellowship

Fabian Grusdt, one of the first MCQST START Fellows, has received the prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). Science journalist Hubert Filser has interviewed Fabian on his passion for physics, career, and future plans.



Margrit Lingner
A quantum computer builder
Interview | MCQST community

Stefan Filipp, newly appointed TUM professor and WMI director, returns to academia to pursue his scientific curiosity and joins the MCQST community.



Anca Ionescu
Quantum Physics on Stage: An Interview with Christoph Sünderhauf
Interview | MCQST community

What does looking for an apartment in Munich and quantum scrambling have in common? Christoph Sünderhauf, PhD Student at MCQST, answered this on stage and won first place at the Q-Science Slam in Stuttgart earlier this year.



Barbara Tautz
Diversity Day 2020

26 May 2020 marks the 8th Diversity Day - an initiative by Charta der Vielfalt. At MCQST we would like to take this opportunity to further raise awareness on the benefits of a diverse workplace and society.



Barbara Tautz
International Day against Homo- Trans- and Biphobia
MCQST community

17 May is the international day against Homo- Trans- and Biophobia. We would like to raise awareness for the discrimination that members of the LGBTQI+ community still face in science and academia.



Anca Ionescu
MCQST Community: life in the time of coronavirus
MCQST community

The worldwide spread of COVID-19 is changing a lot about how we work and keep in touch with colleagues, friends, and family. Check out how "the new normal" looks like for our community.



Friedemann Reinhard
Did Greta Thunberg Create the Corona Virus?

Friedemann Reinhard, co-coordinator of the Quantum Metrology and Sensing research unit within MCQST, shares his thoughts on how COVID-19 has impacted scientific life and the subsequent environmental consequences.



Felicitas Mokler
Building the Way to the Quantum Computer
Interview | Quantum computer

Dr. Marissa Giustina, senior research scientist and quantum electronics engineer in the Google AI Quantum team, kicked-off the MCQST Women in QST series. We sat down and talked with Marissa about her work and path towards research.



Karen Wintersperger
Insights from I,Scientist - The conference on gender, career paths and networking

Karen Wintersperger, PhD student in Prof. Bloch's group at LMU, shares her insights from attending the I,Scientist conference. The event took place in September 2019 in Berlin and is focused on gender, different career paths in academia, and networking with peers, mentors, and experts.



Barbara Tautz
Is it still necessary to attract attention to inequalities between men and women?
Diversity | MCQST community

Worldwide the 8th of March is recognized as International Women’s Day. The main reason and significance behind this celebration comes from a desire to encourage and grow civil awareness. We draw inspiration from this and we have asked ourselves: is it still necessary to celebrate women and attract attention to inequalities and injustices between men and women?



Frank Grotelüschen
John Preskill
Interview | Distinguished Lecturer

MCQST awarded John Preskill the Distinguished Lecturer prize in 2019. We sat down to talk about the scientist's career, continuos passion and curriosity for quantum science, and a bet with Stephen Hawking.

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