Public Events Archive

14 October 2024

Physics in Flatland: Searching for New Quantum Materials for Emerging Technologies

Distinguished Lecturer | Public Events

Public Talk - "Physics in Flatland: Searching for New Quantum Materials for Emerging Technologies" by Distinguished Lecturer Prof. Philip Kim.

17 October 2024

Science Slam of the Munich Excellence Clusters

Events | Public Events

Scientists from the Munich excellence clusters take the stage to explain their research in a fun way!

3 October 2024

Open Day 2024 at the Garching Research Campus and Maustag

Public Events | Events

Meet us at the Maustag & Open House Day in Garching!

15 July 2024

Shortfilm Premiere: Stories of Science

Public Events | Events

Join us for an evening celebrating the intersection of art and quantum science at ARRI Kino in Munich!

19 June 2024

Celebrating the Opening of the "Light & Matter" Exhibition

Events | Public Events

A celebration of the opening of the Light and Matter exhibit, together with all the people who contributed to bringing it to life!

18 June 2024

Opening of the "Light & Matter" Exhibition

Public Events | Events

On 18.06 we celebrate the opening of the "Light and Matter" special exibition at Deutsches Museum.

29 June -

 30 June 2024

MCQST at Museum Inselfest

Public Events | Events

Meet us at the Festival on the Museum Island on 29-30 June!

28 June -

 30 June 2024

MCQST at Forscha 2024

Events | Public Events

Meet us at the FORSCHA at Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum!

25 April 2024

Girls' Day: Forscherin für einen Tag: Eine unglaubliche Reise ins Quantenland!

Events | Public Events

Tauche mit uns ab in die winzige Welt der Quanten und lass dich überraschen!

29 January 2024

The Quantum Computing Revolution

Public Events | Distinguished Lecturer

Public Talk - "The Quantum Computing Revolution" by Distinguished Lecturer Prof. Dorit Aharonov.

2 October 2023

Maustag of the Excellence Clusters and Open House at MPQ

Public Events

MCQST joins the other Munich Clusters of Excellence at Mouse Day 2023 and the Open Day at MPQ to give an insight into the world of quantum!

6 July -

 9 July 2023

Festival of the Future

Public Events | Events

Meet us at the Festival of the Future at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.

27 June -

 30 June 2023

World of QUANTUM 2023

Public Events | Events

Meet us at World of QUANTUM 2023 at Messe Munich!

12 June 2023

Quantencomputer. Wer, wie, was, wieso, weshalb, warum?

Public Events | Distinguished Lecturer

Warum brauchen wir Quantencomputer? Wie funktionieren sie? Und wann werden wir sie endlich haben? Prof. Andreas Wallraff gibt Einblicke in der Welt der Quantencomputern.

19 May -

 21 May 2023

Quantum Days at the Science Communication Lab

Public Events | Events

Meet Steffen Glaser and his team at the Quantum Days at the Science Communication Lab to learn more about quantum phenomena and current state of quantum technologies.

27 April 2023

Girls' Day: Forscherin für einen Tag: Eine unglaubliche Reise ins Quantenland!

Public Events | Events

Tauche mit uns ab in die winzige Welt der Quanten und lass dich überraschen!

5 May -

 7 May 2023

MCQST at Forscha 2023

Public Events | Events

Meet us MCQST at the Forscha / Münchner Wissenschaftstage 2023

11 November 2022

Quantum Bits

Public Events | Events

Flash talks on quantum simulation and quantum computing. Discover quantum technologies bit by bit.

3 October 2022

Maus-Türöffner-Tag der Münchner Exzellenzcluster

Public Events

MCQST macht beim Maustag 2022 mit den anderen Münchner Exzellenzclustern und PhotonLab mit, um einen Einblick in die Welt der Quanten zu geben!

22 July -

 24 July 2022

Festival of the Future

Public Events | Events

Three days of summer, ideas, and technology for a better future. July 22-24 2022 at the Forum der Zukunft of the Deutsches Museum in Munich.

24 June -

 26 June 2022

MCQST at Forscha / Münchner Wissenschaftstage 2022

Public Events | Events

MCQST will be at Forscha / Münchner Wissenschaftstage 2022 with Munich Quantum Valley, PhotonLab, and the other Munich-based Excellence Clusters to give the public a look into the world of scientists!

16 May 2022

Mikhail Lukin Public Lecture

Public Events | Distinguished Lecturer

"New Frontier of Quantum Science and Engineering" by Distinguished Lecturer Prof. Mikhail Lukin

26 April -

 29 April 2022

MCQST at the World of QUANTUM Trade Fair

Public Events | Events

MCQST will be at the World of QUANTUM trade fair as part of a joint booth with LRZ, QL3, and Munich Quantum Valley, as well as another booth as part of the Quantum Alliance.

30 June 2022

Gilles Brassard: Could Einstein Have Been Right After All?

Public Events | Events

The Lecture is a joint event between the CAS Research Focus "Physics and Security" at the Center for Advanced Studies at LMU Munich (CAS LMU) and MCQST.

8 October -

 10 October 2021

MCQST at Forscha / Münchner Wissenschaftstage 2021

Events | Public Events

MCQST will be at Forscha / Münchner Wissenschaftstage 2021 with the other Munich-based Excellence Clusters to give the public a look into the world of scientists!

28 April 2022

Quantum Science Slam 2022

Public Events | Events

Six quantum scientists take the stage to explain the unexplainable! Join us for a hilarious evening at Heppel & Ettlich in Munich.

5 May -

 8 May 2022


Public Events | Events

PLANCKS is an annual international team competition in theoretical physics. In 2022, PLANCKS will be hosted by the DPG as a member of iaps and is organized by the Faculty of Physics of the LMU Munich. PLANCKS will be held as an hybrid event from May 5 - 8, 2022.

11 December 2021

Quantum Science Slam

Public Events | Events

Quantum physicists share their research with the public. POSTPONED: Due to the current pandemic situation, we have decided to postpone this event until early 2022.

18 November 2021

Photons: The Quantum Link

Distinguished Lecturer | Public Events

Public talk by Distinguished Lecturer Prof. Pascale Senellart

1 July 2021

Quantum Leap – Transfer from Research to Industry

Public Events | Events

What is the potential of quantum? Immanuel Bloch (MPQ&LMU), Stefan Filipp (Walther Meissner Institute) and Sebastian Luber (Infineon) will discuss on with Jeanne Rubner (BR) - on site and steamed live on

16 July -

 23 July 2021

Jubläumsevent - 10 Jahre Photonlab

Public Events

10 Jahre Schülerlabor „PhotonLab“! Das ist ein Grund zu feiern! Dafür haben wir zwei abwechslungsreiche Veranstaltungen auf die Beine gestellt.

11 May 2021

Quantum Key Distribution - Useful or Just Fun?

Events | Public Events

Quantum Key Distribution: useful or just fun? - on this Munich Quantum Stammtisch edition we look at one of the first wide spread application of quantum science Technologies. Follow the discussion live on YouTube.

22 April 2021

Girls' Day: eine Reise durch die Quantenwelt

Public Events

Am Girl's Day, dem 22. April, nehmen wir dich mit auf eine Reise von den Grundlagen der Quantenphysik bis hin zu aktuellen Fragen aus der Forschung, an denen unsere Wissenschaftlerinnen derzeit arbeiten.

16 March 2021

Is the moon there when nobody looks?

Events | Public Events

Is the moon there when nobody looks? - this question brings together our guests at the second Munich Quantum Stammtisch. Follow the discussion live on YouTube.

4 March 2021

Munich Quantum Valley Kick-Off

Events | Public Events

Startschuss für die zweite Quantenrevolution in Bayern - das Munich Quantum Valley Auftaktveranstaltung. Live auf YouTube.

16 May 2020

International Day of Light

Events | Public Events

The 16th of May offers many reasons for celebration: 60 Year Laser Anniversary, International Day of Light, and the 25th Birthday of the Cirac-Zoller Gate.

28 January 2020

Women in QST: Francesca Ferlaino

Events | Public Events

Join us for the Women in QST lunch with Prof. Francesca Ferlaino.

22 September -

 24 September 2019

Lüscher Lectures - Quantum Physics

Public Events | Workshops

MCQST principal investigators (PIs) are guest lecturers at the Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management.

7 October 2019

Quantum Computing and the Entanglement Frontier

Public Events | Distinguished Lecturer

Public talk by Prof. John Preskill.

3 September 2019

New wave manipulation using metamaterials frontiers

Events | Public Events

Talk by Andrea Alù from the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center.

8 November 2019

Quantum, Bits and Co.

Public Events | Workshops

The PhotonLab and MCQST invite local teachers to discover how they can foster students' passion for quantum science.

12 September 2019

Women in QST: Marissa Giustina

Events | Public Events

Building Google’s Quantum Computer: Dr. Marissa Giustina from Google AI Quantum team.

8 July 2019

Quantum Science Slam 2019

Public Events

MCQST cluster proudly presents its first Quantum Slam organized in collaboration with Microsoft Germany, as part of the Munich Conference on QST.

12 June 2019

Quantum Computers: from basic research to industrial maturity

Public Events

We are thrilled to invite you to join Dr. Hartmut Neven (Google Quantum AI), on a journey to explore the world of quantum computers.

4 May 2019

Open House Day at the Faculty of Physics

Public Events

Join MCQST in exploring the quantum world by visiting our stand on May 4th, as the Faculty of Physics opens its doors.

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