Maustag of the Excellence Clusters and Open House at MPQ

2 October 2023
from 09:00 to 17:00

MCQST joins the other Munich Clusters of Excellence at Mouse Day 2023 and the Open Day at MPQ to give an insight into the world of quantum!

Public Events

Address / Location

TUM School of Engineering and Design

Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Garching Forschungszentrum

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Meet us at Maustag| TUM School of Engineering and Design

Meet us at our joint stand with the other three Munich Clusters of Excellence, for exciting experiments for children and young people, lots of information about the clusters and the latest research, and an exciting quiz with great prizes!

Where will we get our energy from in the future? What is a quantum computer? How does Alzheimer’s disease develop? And what happened after the Big Bang? Discover all this at the four Munich Clusters of Excellence e-conversion, MCQST, SyNergy, and ORIGINS:

  • Build a battery from fruit and vegetables.
  • Tour a quantum research lab with the help of VR glasses.
  • Discover nerve cells with a microscope.
  • Make “fridge magnets” with pictures of galaxies to take home.
  • Grab a helmet and take a photo in the tunnel of the famous particle accelerator at CERN.

Where to find us -- Main building of TUM School of Engineering and Design.

Meet us at the Maustag & Open House | Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Collage of two photos: on the left a researchers wearing protection glasses is standing next to an optics experiement. On the right: a teachers shlows children what happens if a green laser goes through a red ballon. © MPQ / J. Greune
What is light? What is matter? And how can light and matter interact with each other? This question is addressed by quantum optics - a central field of research for scientific and technological progress. A central location for cutting-edge quantum research is the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching. There, the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ), the Cluster of Excellence Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) and the collaborative project Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) are jointly organising a Mouse Door Open Day (for the little ones) and an Open Day (for everyone).

From a dedicated program for children, including a live play of the latest "Alice in Quantenland" series, to various hands-on experiements and workshops, to lab tours through the institute`s quantum laboratories, to insightful talks -- there is something to discover for everyone!

Further program details can be found on the MPQ website. Pre-registration is kindly requested.

Curios for more?

Many institutions from the Garching research campus are opening their doors for Mouse Day. Have a look and meet us there on October 3rd!

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