Dr. Sonya Gzyl - MPQ
1. Briefly describe your current position, research focus, and your role within MCQST.
I am the coordinator of the graduate school IMPRS-QST, which is closely connected to MCQST. As IMPRS coordinator, I work together with our PhD students to plan and organize many activities throughout the year, with the main aim of fostering networking and scientific exchange between the different groups. I also support the program committee in recruiting new students, finding talented people from all over the world to join our research community.

2. In your job you work with a lot of PhD students. What is your favorite part about organizing so many students?
I really enjoy being constantly in contact with the IMPRS members and working to make the program of the school interesting and meaningful for them. The best part of this interaction is that I get to know many of our students more closely, which is really nice. They are all bright and passionate and always open to discuss ideas; each and everyone of them contributes something valuable to the IMPRS in their own unique way - and for me it is very rewarding to be part of this process.
3. Do you have any special/unique holiday traditions?
What's special about our traditions is that they are a great colorful mix! My family is originally Polish, but I was born and grew up in Venezuela, so our Christmas celebrations were a blend of European and South American traditions. My husband has an intercultural background as well and we live in Germany since many years ago, with our children growing up here, so we have also adopted many of the local customs. From the music we listen to, to the way we decorate our home and the dishes we cook, there is a bit from everywhere! What I enjoy about this is that each of these things brings back beautiful memories of loved people and places. Plus, by making this mixture of traditions our own, we keep creating special moments, which is what this holiday is all about!