12 December 2021

Jiří Guth Jarkovský

Jiří Guth Jarkovský​ - MPQ

1. Briefly describe your current position, research focus, and your role within MCQST.

I'm a PhD student in the Cirac group at MPQ, working on applying quantum information methods in many-body physics. In MCQST, I am one of the two PhD representatives - representing PhD students at the Executive Committee meetings every couple of months.​

Portrait of Jiri Guth Jarkovsky Ⓒ J. Greune / MPQ

2. What is your experience with the planned MCQST Science Slam and the preparations?

A couple of weeks ago I received the offer to participate in the MCQST Science Slam. I've never been very good at explaining my research to non-experts, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to improve. The participation comes with two 1-day workshops in November to practice and learn how to do an effective Science Slam. I'm currently designing my own performance and I'm very excited to present it! (At the time of writing this, only the workshops have taken place - unfortunately, the science slam itself has been postponed to the next year).

3. What are you cooking/baking during the holidays?

Even though I am Czech by origin, I like to dabble in other cuisines for the holidays. I love the traditional Czech Christmas dinner and sweets, but I also like trying something new. Last year I was pretty successful with a home-made British Christmas pudding, this year I'm not yet definitely decided. I might try some Christmas-style (American) turkey or the Russian Herring-under-a-fur-coat salad. I'm still looking for inspiration, so let me know if you have a recommendation!​

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