Welcome to Munich!
If you are considering or planning on coming to MCQST for a short- or long-term research stay, we are very happy to accommodate any queries you might have. MCQST offers individualized assistance for any guest or visitor. Below are just some aspects that we can help you with.
Where to stay?
One of the first questions you might have is where to stay in Munich. We can offer you advice on which area to look for depending on your hosting institution and assistance in finding accommodation that matches your requirements. Please consider that Munich is one of the most expensive cities in Europe and finding accommodation is a challenge. We advise you to search for accommodation as soon as possible.
There are certain regulations for reimbursement by MCQST. These are especially important, if you extend your stay in Munich before or after your official stay or if you travel with your family. Please check out the guidelines here.
Bringing your family?
We are fully aware that finding childcare in Munich is very difficult. This is why we are ready to assist you with finding childcare.
We cooperate with the family services offered by LMU München, Max Plank Institute of Quantum Optics, as well as the TU Munich. They organise childcare solutions, like backup daycare and holiday programs for kids during the summer holidays. Every child and parent is different and we are happy to help you in finding the right solution for your family.
LMU Family Service
TUM - Kids, Family and Elder Care Center
MPQ - Working & Living
Getting started
We will gladly help you with getting started in Munich. If you need any advice on how to get around (e.g. public transport) or just on where to get the best pizza in town, let us know and we will try to make settling in as easy as possible for you.
While you’re here…
If you are facing any difficulties or challenges during your stay please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope to make your stay as pleasant and rewarding as possible.
Welcome Services
You can find a selection of services offered by LMU, TUM, and MPQ on the websites of each institution.
For any inquires you may have, please contact Barbara Tautz at barbara.tautz(at)physik.uni-muenchen.de