
Quantum Matter Interfaces

Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics

Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1

85748 Garching


Group Website

We are excited about assembling, manipulating, and detecting quantum systems atom by atom in our experiments to learn new things about the fascinating nature of quantum many-body systems and their applications.


Main Research Focus: Quantum Simulation, Quantum Computing, Rydberg Atoms, Ultracold Atoms, Light-Matter Interactions, Rydberg Arrays

Quantum many-body systems exhibit fascinating emergent properties that arise from the interplay of the constituents. Examples include correlated phases of quantum matter in equilibrium, rich transport behaviour in low-dimensional quantum systems taken out of equilibrium and novel light-matter interfaces. Understanding such emergent properties is key to leveraging them for practical applications such as quantum computing and quantum sensing.

In our group, we assemble, manipulate and detect quantum systems atom-by-atom. In particular, we focus on combining highly coherent quantum dynamics and control featured by Rydberg atom arrays with highly efficient light-matter interfaces provided by optical cavities. Combining local manipulation with entangling operations and controlled coupling to the cavity promises a variety of applications, reaching from controlled quantum simulation of open quantum system with measurement and feedback operations, the creation of entangled states for metrological applications all the way to elementary error correction in digital quantum computers based on neutral atoms.

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