Electrically Induced Angular Momentum Flow between Separated Ferromagnets
R. Schlitz, M. Grammer, T. Wimmer, J. Gückelhorn, L. Flacke, S. T. B. Goennenwein, R. Gross, H. Hübl, A. Kamra, M. Althammer
Physical Review Letters 132 (25), 256701 (2024).
Converting angular momentum between different degrees of freedom within a magnetic material results from a dynamic interplay between electrons, magnons, and phonons. This interplay is pivotal to implementing spintronic device concepts that rely on spin angular momentum transport. We establish a new concept for long-range angular momentum transport that further allows us to address and isolate the magnonic contribution to angular momentum transport in a nanostructured metallic ferromagnet. To this end, we electrically excite and detect spin transport between two parallel and electrically insulated ferromagnetic metal strips on top of a diamagnetic substrate. Charge-to-spin current conversion within the ferromagnetic strip generates electronic spin angular momentum that is transferred to magnons via electron-magnon coupling. We observe a finite angular momentum flow to the second ferromagnetic strip across a diamagnetic substrate over micron distances, which is electrically detected in the second strip by the inverse charge-to-spin current conversion process. We discuss phononic and dipolar interactions as the likely cause to transfer angular momentum between the two strips. Moreover, our Letter provides the experimental basis to separate the electronic and magnonic spin transport and thereby paves the way towards magnonic device concepts that do not rely on magnetic insulators.

Temperature dependence of the magnon-phonon interaction in hybrids of high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators with ferromagnetic thin films
M. Müller, J. Weber, S. T. B. Goennenwein, S. V. Kusminskiy, R. Gross, M. Althammer, H. Hübl
Physical Review Applied 21 (3), 34032 (2024).
Tailored magnon-phonon hybrid systems, in which high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators couple resonantly to the Kittel mode of a ferromagnetic thin film, are considered optimal for the creation of acoustic phonons with a defined circular polarization. This class of devices is therefore ideal for the investigation of phonon-propagation properties and assessing their capacity to transport angular momentum in the classical, and potentially even in the quantum, regime. Here, we study the coupling between the magnons in a ferromagnetic Co25Fe75 thin film and the transverse acoustic phonons in bulk acoustic wave resonators formed by the sapphire substrate onto which the film is deposited. Using broadband ferromagnetic resonance experiments as a function of temperature, we investigate the strength of the coherent magnon-phonon interaction and the individual damping rates of the magnons and phonons participating in the process. This demonstrates that this coupled magnon-phonon system can reach a cooperativity C approximate to 1 at cryogenic temperatures. Our experiments also showcase the potential of strongly coupled magnon-phonon systems for strain-sensing applications.

Chiral phonons and phononic birefringence in ferromagnetic metal-bulk acoustic resonator hybrids
M. Müller, J. Weber, F. Engelhardt, V. Bittencourt, T. Luschmann, M. Cherkasskii, M. Opel, S. T. B. Goennenwein, S. V. Kusminskiy, S. Geprägs, R. Gross, M. Althammer, H. Hübl
Physical Review B 109 (2), 24430 (2024).
Magnomechanical devices, in which magnetic excitations couple to mechanical vibrations, have been discussed as efficient and broadband microwave signal transducers in the classical and quantum limit. We experimentally investigate the resonant magnetoelastic coupling between the ferromagnetic resonance modes in metallic Co25Fe75 thin films, featuring ultralow magnetic damping as well as sizable magnetostriction, and standing transverse elastic phonon modes in sapphire, silicon, and gadolinium gallium garnet at cryogenic temperatures. For all substrates, we observe a coherent interaction between the acoustic and magnetic modes. We identify the phonon modes as transverse shear waves propagating with slightly different velocities (Av/v similar or equal to 10(-5)),. i.e., all investigated substrates show potential for phononic birefringence as well as phonon-mediated angular momentum transport. Our magnon-phonon hybrid systems operate in a coupling regime analogous to the Purcell enhanced damping in cavity magnonics.

Significant modulation of Gilbert damping in ultrathin ferromagnetic films by altering the surface magnetic anisotropy
S. Yoshii, M. Müller, H. Inoue, R. Ohshima, M. Althammer, Y. Ando, H. Hübl, M. Shiraishi
Physical Review B 109 (2), L020406 (2024).
The ability to control the Gilbert damping which determines the lifetime of spin information is crucial for designing spintronic and magnonic devices. Thus, controlling the Gilbert damping parameter alpha has been a significant research target for several decades. Although numerous approaches have been explored to control alpha, few reports of large changes of this parameter have been presented. Herein, we demonstrate significant change of alpha in 2-nm-thick Co25Fe75 films originating from uniaxial surface magnetic anisotropy, which affects the two-magnon scattering. We report a change in alpha by approximately 0.02, or 300%. The value for alpha and its change are comparable to those observed in a previous study using a film that is one order of magnitude thicker. Our results achieved with Co25Fe75 can be directly transferred to other ultrathin ferromagnetic materials, which are a promising platform for spin information processing, and thus represents a versatile approach to modulate the Gilbert damping.

Electrical detectability of magnon-mediated spin current shot noise
L. Siegl, M. Lammel, A. Kamra, H. Hübl, W. Belzig, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Physical Review B 108 (14), 144420 (2023).
A magnonic spin current crossing a ferromagnet-metal interface is accompanied by spin current shot noise arising from the discrete quanta of spin carried by magnons. In thin films, for example, the spin of so-called squeezed magnons has been shown to deviate from the common value h, with corresponding changes in the spin noise. In experiments, spin currents are typically converted to charge currents via the inverse spin Hall effect. We here analyze the magnitude of the spin current shot noise in the charge channel for a typical electrically detected spin pumping experiment and find that the voltage noise originating from the spin current shot noise is much smaller than the inevitable Johnson-Nyquist noise. Furthermore, we find that due to the local nature of the spin-charge conversion, the ratio of spin current shot noise and Johnson-Nyquist noise cannot be systematically enhanced by tuning the sample geometry, in contrast to the linear increase in dc spin pumping voltage with sample length. Instead, the ratio depends sensitively on material-specific transport properties. Our analysis thus provides guidance for the experimental detection of squeezed magnons through spin pumping shot noise.

Impact of growth conditions on magnetic anisotropy and magnon Hanle effect in a-Fe2O3
M. Scheufele, J. Gückelhorn, M. Opel, A. Kamra, H. Hübl, R. Gross, S. Geprägs, M. Althammer
Apl Materials 11 (9), 91115 (2023).
The antiferromagnetic insulator a-Fe2O3 (hematite), widely used in spintronics and magnonics, features a spin-reorientation transition (Morin transition) at 263 K. Thin films, however, often lack this Morin transition, limiting their potential applications. Here, we investigate the impact of different growth conditions on the magnetic anisotropy in a-Fe2O3 films to tune the Morin transition temperature. To this end, we compare the structural, magnetic, and magnon-based spin transport properties of a-Fe2O3 films with different thicknesses grown by pulsed laser deposition in molecular and atomic oxygen atmospheres. We observe a finite Morin transition for those grown by atomic-oxygen-assisted deposition, interestingly even down to 19 nm thickness, where we find a Morin transition at 125 K. In easy-plane antiferromagnets, the nature and time-evolution of the elementary excitations of the spin system are captured by the orientation and precession of the magnon pseudospin around its equilibrium pseudofield, manifesting itself in the magnon Hanle effect. We characterize this effect in these a-Fe2O3 films via all-electrical magnon transport measurements. The films grown with atomic oxygen show a markedly different magnon spin signal from those grown in molecular oxygen atmospheres. Most importantly, the maximum magnon Hanle signal is significantly enhanced, and the Hanle peak is shifted to lower magnetic field values for films grown with atomic oxygen, suggesting changes in the magnetic anisotropy due to an increased oxygen content in these films. Our findings provide new insights into the possibility to fine-tune the magnetic anisotropy in a-Fe2O3 and thereby to engineer the magnon Hanle effect.

High-Q Magnetic Levitation and Control of Superconducting Microspheres at Millikelvin Temperatures
J. Hofer, R. Gross, G. Higgins, H. Hübl, O. F. Kieler, R. Kleiner, D. Koelle, P. Schmidt, J. A. Slater, M. Trupke, K. Uhl, T. Weimann, W. Wieczorek, M. Aspelmeyer
Physical Review Letters 131 (4), 43603 (2023).
We report the levitation of a superconducting lead-tin sphere with 100 mu m diameter (corresponding to a mass of 5.6 mu g) in a static magnetic trap formed by two coils in an anti-Helmholtz configuration, with adjustable resonance frequencies up to 240 Hz. The center-of-mass motion of the sphere is monitored magnetically using a dc superconducting quantum interference device as well as optically and exhibits quality factors of up to 2.6 x 10(7). We also demonstrate 3D magnetic feedback control of the motion of the sphere. The setup is housed in a dilution refrigerator operating at 15 mK. By implementing a cryogenic vibration isolation system, we can attenuate environmental vibrations at 200 Hz by approximately 7 orders of magnitude. The combination of low temperature, large mass, and high quality factor provides a promising platform for testing quantum physics in previously unexplored regimes with high mass and long coherence times.

Surface acoustic wave resonators on thin film piezoelectric substrates in the quantum regime
T. Luschmann, A. Jung, S. Geprägs, F. X. Haslbeck, A. Marx, S. Filipp, S. Gröblacher, R. Gross, H. Hübl
Materials for Quantum Technology 3 (2), 21001 (2023).
Lithium niobate (LNO) is a well established material for surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices including resonators, delay lines and filters. Recently, multi-layer substrates based on LNO thin films have become commercially available. Here, we present a systematic low-temperature study of the performance of SAW devices fabricated on LNO-on-insulator and LNO-on-Silicon substrates and compare them to bulk LNO devices. Our study aims at assessing the performance of these substrates for quantum acoustics, i.e. the integration with superconducting circuits operating in the quantum regime. To this end, we design SAW resonators with a target frequency of 5 GHz and perform experiments at millikelvin temperatures and microwave power levels corresponding to single photons or phonons. The devices are investigated regarding their internal quality factors as a function of the excitation power and temperature, which allows us to characterize and quantify losses and identify the dominating loss mechanism. For the measured devices, fitting the experimental data shows that the quality factors are limited by the coupling of the resonator to a bath of two-level-systems. Our results suggest that SAW devices on thin film LNO on silicon have comparable performance to devices on bulk LNO and are viable for use in SAW-based quantum acoustic devices.

Observation of the Nonreciprocal Magnon Hanle Effect
J. Gnckelhorn, S. de-la-Peña, M. Scheufele, M. Grammer, M. Opel, S. Geprägs, J. C. Cuevas, R. Gross, H. Hübl, A. Kamra, M. Althammer
Physical Review Letters 130 (21), 216703 (2023).
The precession of magnon pseudospin about the equilibrium pseudofield, the latter capturing the nature of magnonic eigenexcitations in an antiferromagnet, gives rise to the magnon Hanle effect. Its realization via electrically injected and detected spin transport in an antiferromagnetic insulator demonstrates its high potential for devices and as a convenient probe for magnon eigenmodes and the underlying spin interactions in the antiferromagnet. Here, we observe a nonreciprocity in the Hanle signal measured in hematite using two spatially separated platinum electrodes as spin injector or detector. Interchanging their roles was found to alter the detected magnon spin signal. The recorded difference depends on the applied magnetic field and reverses sign when the signal passes its nominal maximum at the so-called compensation field. We explain these observations in terms of a spin transport direction-dependent pseudofield. The latter leads to a nonreciprocity, which is found to be controllable via the applied magnetic field. The observed nonreciprocal response in the readily available hematite films opens interesting opportunities for realizing exotic physics predicted so far only for antiferromagnets with special crystal structures.

Reduced effective magnetization and damping by slowly relaxing impurities in strained ?-Fe2O3 thin films
M. Muller, M. Scheufele, J. Guckelhorn, L. Flacke, M. Weiler, H. Hübl, S. Gepraegs, R. Gross, M. Althammer
Journal of Applied Physics 132 (23), 233905 (2022).
Magnetically ordered insulators are of key interest for spintronics applications, but most of them have not yet been explored in depth regarding their magnetic properties, in particular with respect to their dynamic response. We study the static and dynamic magnetic properties of epitaxially strained gamma-Fe2O3 (maghemite) thin films grown via pulsed-laser deposition on MgO substrates by SQUID magnetometry and cryogenic broadband ferromagnetic resonance experiments. SQUID magnetometry measurements reveal hysteretic magnetization curves for magnetic fields applied both in- and out of the sample plane. From the magnetization dynamics of our thin films, we find a small negative effective magnetization in agreement with a strain induced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Moreover, we observe a non-linear evolution of the ferromagnetic resonance-linewidth as a function of the microwave frequency and explain this finding with the so-called slow relaxor model. We investigate the magnetization dynamics and non-linear damping mechanisms present in our samples as a function of frequency and temperature and in particular, observe a sign change in the effective magnetization from the transition of the magnetic anisotropy from a perpendicular easy axis to an easy in-plane anisotropy for reduced temperatures. Its nonlinear damping properties and strain-induced perpendicular anisotropy render gamma-Fe2O3 an interesting material platform for spintronics devices. Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.

Optimal Broadband Frequency Conversion via a Magnetomechanical Transducer
F. Engelhardt, V. Bittencourt, H. Hübl, O. Klein, S. V. Kusminskiy
Physical Review Applied 18 (4), 44059 (2022).
Developing schemes for efficient and broadband frequency conversion of quantum signals is an ongoing challenge in the field of modern quantum information. The coherent conversion between microwave and optical signals is an especially important milestone towards long-distance quantum communication. In this work, we propose a two-stage conversion protocol, employing a resonant interaction between magnetic and mechanical excitations as a mediator between microwave and optical photons. Based on estimates for the coupling strengths under optimized conditions for yttrium iron garnet, we predict close to unity conversion efficiency without the requirement of matching cooperativities. We predict a conversion band-width in the regions of largest efficiency of the order of magnitude of the coupling strengths that can be further increased at the expense of reduced conversion efficiency.

Magnetization dynamics affected by phonon pumping
R. Schlitz, L. Siegl, T. Sato, W. Yu, G. E. W. Bauer, H. Hübl, S. T. B. Goennenwein
Physical Review B 106 (1), 14407 (2022).
???Pumping??? of phonons by a dynamic magnetization promises to extend the range and functionality of magnonic devices. We explore the impact of phonon pumping on room-temperature ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectra of bilayers of thin yttrium iron garnet films on thick gadolinium gallium garnet substrates over a wide frequency range. At low frequencies the Kittel mode hybridizes with standing ultrasound waves across the layer stack that acts as a bulk acoustic resonator to form magnon polarons with rapid oscillations in the magnetic susceptibility, as reported before. At higher frequencies, the individual phonon resonances overlap due to their increasing acoustic attenuation, leading to an additional slowly oscillating phonon pumping contribution to the FMR line shape. The broadband frequency dependence of the magnetoelastic coupling strength follows the predictions from phonon pumping theory in the thick substrate limit. In addition, we find substantial magnon-phonon coupling of a perpendicular standing spin wave mode. This evidences the importance of the mode overlap between the acoustic and magnetic modes and provides a route towards engineering the magnetoelastic mode coupling.

Influence of low-energy magnons on magnon Hanle experiments in easy-plane antiferromagnets
J. Guckelhorn, A. Kamra, T. Wimmer, M. Opel, S. Geprags, R. Gross, H. Hübl, M. Althammer
Physical Review B 105 (9), 94440 (2022).
Antiferromagnetic materials host pairs of spin-up and spin-down magnons which can be described in terms of a magnonic pseudospin. The close analogy between this magnonic pseudospin system and that of electronic charge carriers led to the prediction of fascinating phenomena in antiferromagnets. Recently, the associated dynamics of antiferromagnetic pseudospin has been experimentally demonstrated and, in particular, an observation of the magnon Hanle effect has been reported. We here expand the magnonic spin transport description by explicitly taking into account contributions of finite-spin low-energy magnons. In our experiments we realize the spin injection and detection process by two platinum strips and investigate the influence of the Pt strips on the generation and diffusive transport of magnons in films of the antiferromagnetic insulator hematite. For both a 15 and a 100 nm thick film, we find a distinct signal caused by the magnon Hanle effect. However, the magnonic spin signal exhibits clear differences in both films. In contrast to the thin film, for the thicker one, we observe an oscillating behavior in the high magnetic field range as well as an additional offset signal in the low magnetic field regime. We attribute this offset signal to the presence of finite-spin low-energy magnons.

Mechanical frequency control in inductively coupled electromechanical systems
T. Luschmann, P. Schmidt, F. Deppe, A. Marx, A. Sanchez, R. Gross, H. Hübl
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 1608 (2022).
Nano-electromechanical systems implement the opto-mechanical interaction combining electromagnetic circuits and mechanical elements. We investigate an inductively coupled nano-electromechanical system, where a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) realizes the coupling. We show that the resonance frequency of the mechanically compliant string embedded into the SQUID loop can be controlled in two different ways: (1) the bias magnetic flux applied perpendicular to the SQUID loop, (2) the magnitude of the in-plane bias magnetic field contributing to the nano-electromechanical coupling. These findings are quantitatively explained by the inductive interaction contributing to the effective spring constant of the mechanical resonator. In addition, we observe a residual field dependent shift of the mechanical resonance frequency, which we attribute to the finite flux pinning of vortices trapped in the magnetic field biased nanostring.

Magnon transport in Y3Fe5O12/Pt nanostructures with reduced effective magnetization
J. Guckelhorn, T. Wimmer, M. Muller, S. Geprags, H. Hübl, R. Gross, M. Althammer
Physical Review B 104 (18), L180410 (2021).
For applications making use of magnonic spin currents damping effects, which decrease the spin conductivity, have to be minimized. We here investigate the magnon transport in a yttrium iron garnet thin film with strongly reduced effective magnetization. We show that in a three-terminal device the effective magnon conductivity can be increased by a factor of up to six by a current applied to a modulator electrode, which generates damping compensation above a threshold current. Moreover, we find a linear dependence of this threshold current on the applied magnetic field. We can explain this behavior by the reduced effective magnetization and the associated nearly circular magnetization precession.

Low-temperature suppression of the spin Nernst angle in Pt
T. Wimmer, J. Guckelhorn, S. Wimmer, S. Mankovsky, H. Ebert, M. Opel, S. Geprags, R. Gross, H. Hübl, M. Althammer
Physical Review B 104 (14), L140404 (2021).
The coupling between electrical, thermal, and spin transport results in a plethora of novel transport phenomena. However, disentangling different effects is experimentally very challenging. We demonstrate that bilayers consisting of the antiferromagnetic insulator hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) and Pt allow one to precisely measure the transverse spin Nernst magnetothermopower (TSNM) and observe the low-temperature suppression of the platinum (Pt) spin Nernst angle. We show that the observed signal stems from the interplay between the interfacial spin accumulation in Pt originating from the spin Nernst effect and the orientation of the Neel vector of alpha-Fe2O3, rather than its net magnetization. Since the latter is negligible in an antiferromagnet, our device is superior to ferromagnetic structures, allowing one to unambiguously distinguish the TSNM from thermally excited magnon transport, which usually dominates in ferri/ferromagnets due to their nonzero magnetization. Evaluating the temperature dependence of the effect, we observe a vanishing TSNM below similar to 100 K. We compare these results with theoretical calculations of the temperature-dependent spin Nernst conductivity and find excellent agreement. This provides evidence for a vanishing spin Nernst angle of Pt at low temperatures and the dominance of extrinsic contributions to the spin Nernst effect.

Tunable cooperativity in coupled spin-cavity systems
L. Liensberger, F. X. Haslbeck, A. Bauer, H. Berger, R. Gross, H. Hübl, C. Pfleiderer, M. Weiler
Physical Review B 104 (10), L100415 (2021).
We experimentally study the tunability of the cooperativity in coupled spin-cavity systems by changing the magnetic state of the spin system via an external control parameter. As a model system, we use the skyrmion host material Cu2OSeO3 coupled to a microwave cavity resonator. We measure a dispersive coupling between the resonator and magnon modes in different magnetic phases of the material and model our results by using the input-output formalism. Our results show a strong tunability of the normalized coupling rate by magnetic field, allowing us to change the magnon-photon cooperativity from 1 to 60 at the phase boundaries of the skyrmion lattice state.

Robust formation of nanoscale magnetic skyrmions in easy-plane anisotropy thin film multilayers with low damping
L. Flacke, V. Ahrens, S. Mendisch, L. Korber, T. Bottcher, E. Meidinger, M. Yaqoob, M. Muller, L. Liensberger, A. Kakay, M. Becherer, P. Pirro, M. Althammer, S. Geprags, H. Hübl, R. Gross, M. Weiler
Physical Review B 104 (10), L100417 (2021).
We experimentally demonstrate the formation of room-temperature skyrmions with radii of about 25 nm in easy-plane anisotropy multilayers with an interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). We detect the formation of individual magnetic skyrmions by magnetic force microscopy and find that the skyrmions are stable in out-of-plane fields up to about 200 mT. We determine the interlayer exchange coupling as well as the strength of the interfacial DMI. Additionally, we investigate the dynamic microwave spin excitations by broadband magnetic resonance spectroscopy. From the uniform Kittel mode we determine the magnetic anisotropy and low damping alpha(G) < 0.04. We also find clear magnetic resonance signatures in the nonuniform (skyrmion) state. Our findings demonstrate that skyrmions in easy-plane multilayers are promising for spin-dynamical applications.

All-Electrical Magnon Transport Experiments in Magnetically Ordered Insulators
M. Althammer
Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 15 (8), 2100130 (2021).
Angular momentum transport is one of the cornerstones of spintronics. Spin angular momentum is not only transported by mobile charge carriers but also by the quantized excitations of the magnetic lattice in magnetically ordered systems. In this regard, magnetically ordered insulators (MOIs) provide a platform for magnon spin transport experiments without additional contributions from spin currents carried by mobile electrons. In combination with charge-to-spin current conversion processes in conductors with finite spin-orbit coupling, it is possible to realize all-electrical magnon transport schemes in thin-film heterostructures. Herein, an insight into such experiments and recent breakthroughs achieved is provided. Special attention is given to charge-current-based manipulation via an adjacent normal metal of magnon transport in MOIs in terms of spin-transfer torque. Moreover, the influence of two magnon modes with opposite spin in antiferromagnetic insulators on all-electrical magnon transport experiments is discussed.

Quantifying the spin mixing conductance of EuO/W heterostructures by spin Hall magnetoresistance experiments
P. Rosenberger, M. Opel, S. Geprags, H. Hübl, R. Gross, M. Muller, M. Althammer
Applied Physics Letters 118 (19), 192401 (2021).
The spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) allows to investigate the magnetic textures of magnetically ordered insulators in heterostructures with normal metals by magnetotransport experiments. We here report the observation of the SMR in in situ prepared ferromagnetic EuO/W thin film bilayers with magnetically and chemically well-defined interfaces. We characterize the magnetoresistance effects utilizing angle-dependent and field-dependent magnetotransport measurements as a function of temperature. Applying the established SMR model, we derive and quantify the real and imaginary parts of the complex spin mixing interface conductance. We find that the imaginary part is by one order of magnitude larger than the real part. Both decrease with increasing temperature. This reduction is in agreement with thermal fluctuations in the ferromagnet.

Design of an optomagnonic crystal: Towards optimal magnon-photon mode matching at the microscale
J. Graf, S. Sharma, H. Hübl, S. V. Kusminskiy
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 13277 (2021).
We put forward the concept of an optomagnonic crystal: a periodically patterned structure at the microscale based on a magnetic dielectric, which can co-localize magnon and photon modes. The co-localization in small volumes can result in large values of the photon-magnon coupling at the single quanta level, which opens perspectives for quantum information processing and quantum conversion schemes with these systems. We study theoretically a simple geometry consisting of a one-dimensional array of holes with an abrupt defect, considering the ferrimagnet yttrium iron garnet (YIG) as the basis material. We show that both magnon and photon modes can be localized at the defect, and use symmetry arguments to select an optimal pair of modes in order to maximize the coupling. We show that an optomagnonic coupling in the kHz range is achievable in this geometry, and discuss possible optimization routes in order to improve both coupling strengths and optical losses.

All-electrical detection of skyrmion lattice state and chiral surface twists
A. Aqeel, M. Azhar, N. Vlietstra, A. Pozzi, J. Sahliger, H. Hübl, T. T. M. Palstra, C. H. Back, M. Mostovoy
Physical Review B 103 (10), L100410 (2021).
We study the high-temperature phase diagram of the chiral magnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3 by measuring the spin-Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) in a thin Pt electrode. We find distinct changes in the phase and amplitude of the SMR signal at critical lines separating different magnetic phases of bulk Cu2OSeO3. The skyrmion lattice state appears as a strong dip in the SMR phase. A strong enhancement of the SMR amplitude is observed in the conical spiral state, which we explain by an additional symmetry-allowed contribution to the SMR present in noncollinear magnets. We demonstrate that the SMR can be used as an all-electrical probe of chiral surface twists and skyrmions in magnetic insulators.

Spin to charge conversion in Si/Cu/ferromagnet systems investigated by ac inductive measurements
E. Shigematsu, L. Liensberger, M. Weiler, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, T. Shinjo, H. Hübl, M. Shiraishi
Physical Review B 103 (9), 94430 (2021).
Semiconductor/ferromagnet hybrid systems are attractive platforms for investigation of spin conversion physics, such as the (inverse) spin Hall effect. However, the superimposed rectification currents originating from anisotropic magnetoresistance have been a serious problem preventing unambiguous detection of dc spin Hall electric signals in semiconductors. In this study, we applied a microwave frequency inductive technique immune to such rectification effects to investigate the spin to charge conversion in heterostructures based on Si, one of the primitive semiconductors. The Si doping dependence of the spin-orbit torque conductivity was obtained for the Si/Cu/NiFe trilayer system. A monotonous modulation of the spin-orbit torque conductivity by doping and relative sign change of spin to charge conversion between the degenerate n- and p-type Si samples were observed. These results unveil spin to charge conversion mechanisms in semiconductor/metal heterostructures and show a pathway for further exploration of spin-conversion physics in metal/semiconductor heterostructures.

Temperature-Dependent Spin Transport and Current-Induced Torques in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Heterostructures
M. Muller, L. Liensberger, L. Flacke, H. Hübl, A. Kamra, W. Belzig, R. Gross, M. Weiler, M. Althammer
Physical Review Letters 126 (8), 87201 (2021).
We investigate the injection of quasiparticle spin currents into a superconductor via spin pumping from an adjacent ferromagnetic metal layer. To this end, we use NbN-Ni80Fe20(Py) heterostructures with a Pt spin sink layer and excite ferromagnetic resonance in the Permalloy layer by placing the samples onto a coplanar waveguide. A phase sensitive detection of the microwave transmission signal is used to quantitatively extract the inductive coupling strength between the sample and the coplanar waveguide, interpreted in terms of inverse current-induced torques, in our heterostructures as a function of temperature. Below the superconducting transition temperature T-c, we observe a suppression of the dampinglike torque generated in the Pt layer by the inverse spin Hall effect, which can be understood by the changes in spin current transport in the superconducting NbN layer. Moreover, below T-c we find a large fieldlike current-induced torque.

Observation of Antiferromagnetic Magnon Pseudospin Dynamics and the Hanle Effect
T. Wimmer, A. Kamra, J. Guckelhorn, M. Opel, S. Geprags, R. Gross, H. Hübl, M. Althammer
Physical Review Letters 125 (24), 247204 (2020).
We report on experiments demonstrating coherent control of magnon spin transport and pseudospin dynamics in a thin film of the antiferromagnetic insulator hematite utilizing two Pt strips for all-electrical magnon injection and detection. The measured magnon spin signal at the detector reveals an oscillation of its polarity as a function of the externally applied magnetic field. We quantitatively explain our experiments in terms of diffusive magnon transport and a coherent precession of the magnon pseudospin caused by the easy-plane anisotropy and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. This experimental observation can be viewed as the magnonic analog of the electronic Hanle effect and the Datta-Das transistor, unlocking the high potential of antiferromagnetic magnonics toward the realization of rich electronics-inspired phenomena.

Sideband-resolved resonator electromechanics based on a nonlinear Josephson inductance probed on the single-photon level
P. Schmidt, M. T. Amawi, S. Pogorzalek, F. Deppe, A. Marx, R. Gross, H. Hübl
Communications Physics 3 (1), 233 (2020).
Light-matter interaction in optomechanical systems is the foundation for ultra-sensitive detection schemes as well as the generation of phononic and photonic quantum states. Electromechanical systems realize this optomechanical interaction in the microwave regime. In this context, capacitive coupling arrangements demonstrated interaction rates of up to 280Hz. Complementary, early proposals and experiments suggest that inductive coupling schemes are tunable and have the potential to reach the single-photon strong-coupling regime. Here, we follow the latter approach by integrating a partly suspended superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) into a microwave resonator. The mechanical displacement translates into a time varying flux in the SQUID loop, thereby providing an inductive electromechanical coupling. We demonstrate a sideband-resolved electromechanical system with a tunable vacuum coupling rate of up to 1.62kHz, realizing sub-aNHz(-1/2) force sensitivities. The presented inductive coupling scheme shows the high potential of SQUID-based electromechanics for targeting the full wealth of the intrinsically nonlinear optomechanics Hamiltonian. Recently, inductively-coupled optomechanical systems have been realized. They represent an important step forward towards achieving strong light-matter interaction, offer extreme sensitivity to mechanical displacement, and allow to study quantum phenomena on a single quantum level. In this work, a superconducting device is inductively coupled to a microwave resonator forming an electromechanical system operating at the single-photon level.

Quantitative comparison of magnon transport experiments in three-terminal YIG/Pt nanostructures acquired via dc and ac detection techniques
J. Guckelhorn, T. Wimmer, S. Geprags, H. Hübl, R. Gross, M. Althammer
Applied Physics Letters 117 (18), 182401 (2020).
All-electrical generation and detection of pure spin currents are promising ways toward controlling the diffusive magnon transport in magnetically ordered insulators. We quantitatively compare two measurement schemes, which allow us to measure the magnon spin transport in a three-terminal device based on a yttrium iron garnet thin film. We demonstrate that the dc charge current method based on the current reversal technique and the ac charge current method utilizing first and second harmonic lock-in detection can both efficiently distinguish between electrically and thermally injected magnons. In addition, both measurement schemes allow us to investigate the modulation of magnon transport induced by an additional dc charge current applied to the center modulator strip. However, while at a low modulator charge current both schemes yield identical results, we find clear differences above a certain threshold current. This difference originates from nonlinear effects of the modulator current on the magnon conductance.

Antiferromagnetic magnon pseudospin: Dynamics and diffusive transport
A. Kamra, T. Wimmer, H. Hübl, M. Althammer
Physical Review B 102 (17), 174445 (2020).
We formulate a theoretical description of antiferromagnetic magnons and their transport in terms of an associated pseudospin. The need and strength of this formulation emerges from the antiferromagnetic eigenmodes being formed from superpositions of spin-up and -down magnons, depending on the material anisotropies. Consequently, a description analogous to that of spin-1/2 electrons is demonstrated while accounting for the bosonic nature of the antiferromagnetic eigenmodes. Introducing the concepts of a pseudospin chemical potential together with a pseudofield and relating magnon spin to pseudospin allows a consistent description of diffusive spin transport in antiferromagnetic insulators with any given anisotropies and interactions. Employing the formalism developed, we elucidate the general features of recent nonlocal spin transport experiments in antiferromagnetic insulators hosting magnons with different polarizations. The pseudospin formalism developed herein is valid for any pair of coupled bosons and is likely to be useful in other systems comprising interacting bosonic modes.

Echo Trains in Pulsed Electron Spin Resonance of a Strongly Coupled Spin Ensemble
S. Weichselbaumer, M. Zens, C. W. Zollitsch, M. S. Brandt, S. Rotter, R. Gross, H. Hübl
Physical Review Letters 125 (13), 137701 (2020).
We report on a novel dynamical phenomenon in electron spin resonance experiments of phosphorus donors. When strongly coupling the paramagnetic ensemble to a superconducting lumped element resonator, the coherent exchange between these two subsystems leads to a train of periodic, self-stimulated echoes after a conventional Hahn echo pulse sequence. The presence of these multiecho signatures is explained using a simple model based on spins rotating on the Bloch sphere, backed up by numerical calculations using the inhomogeneous Tavis-Cummings Hamiltonian.

Effect of interfacial oxidation layer in spin pumping experiments on Ni80Fe20/SrIrO3 heterostructures
T. S. Suraj, M. Muller, S. Gelder, S. Geprags, M. Opel, M. Weiler, K. Sethupathi, H. Hübl, R. Gross, M. S. R. Rao, M. Althammer
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (8), 83903 (2020).
SrIrO3 with its large spin-orbit coupling and low charge conductivity has emerged as a potential candidate for efficient spin-orbit torque magnetization control in spintronic devices. Here we report on the influence of an interfacial oxide layer on spin pumping experiments in Ni80Fe20 (NiFe)/SrIrO3 bilayer heterostructures. To investigate this scenario, we have carried out broadband ferromagnetic resonance (BBFMR) measurements, which indicate the presence of an interfacial antiferromagnetic oxide layer. We performed in-plane BBFMR experiments at cryogenic temperatures, which allowed us to simultaneously study dynamic spin pumping properties (Gilbert damping) and static magnetic properties (such as the effective magnetization and magnetic anisotropy). The results for NiFe/SrIrO3 bilayer thin films were analyzed and compared to those from a NiFe/NbN/SrIrO3 trilayer reference sample, where a spin-transparent, ultra-thin NbN layer was inserted to prevent the oxidation of NiFe. At low temperatures, we observe substantial differences in the magnetization dynamics parameters of these samples. In particular, the Gilbert damping in the NiFe/SrIrO3 bilayer sample drastically increases below 50 K, which can be well explained by enhanced spin fluctuations at the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature of the interfacial oxide layer. Our results emphasize that this interfacial oxide layer plays an important role for the spin current transport across the NiFe/SrIrO3 interface.

Spin Hall magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic insulators
S. Geprags, M. Opel, J. Fischer, O. Gomonay, P. Schwenke, M. Althammer, H. Hübl, R. Gross
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (24), 10 (2020).
Antiferromagnetic materials promise improved performance for spintronic applications as they are robust against external magnetic field perturbations and allow for faster magnetization dynamics compared to ferromagnets. The direct observation of the antiferromagnetic state, however, is challenging due to the absence of a macroscopic magnetization. Here, we show that the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) is a versatile tool to probe the antiferromagnetic spin structure via simple electrical transport experiments by investigating the easy-plane antiferromagnetic insulators alpha - Fe 2 O 3 (hematite) and NiO in bilayer heterostructures with a Pt heavy-metal top electrode. While rotating an external magnetic field in three orthogonal planes, we record the longitudinal and the transverse resistivities of Pt and observe characteristic resistivity modulations consistent with the SMR effect. We analyze both their amplitude and phase and compare the data to the results from a prototypical collinear ferrimagnetic Y 3 Fe 5 O 12/Pt bilayer. The observed magnetic field dependence is explained in a comprehensive model, based on two magnetic sublattices and taking into account magnetic field-induced modifications of the domain structure. Our results show that the SMR allows us to understand the spin configuration and to investigate magnetoelastic effects in antiferromagnetic multi-domain materials. Furthermore, in alpha - Fe 2 O 3/Pt bilayers, we find an unexpectedly large SMR amplitude of 2.5 x 10 - 3, twice as high as for prototype Y 3 Fe 5 O 12/Pt bilayers, making the system particularly interesting for room-temperature antiferromagnetic spintronic applications.

Large Spin Hall Magnetoresistance in Antiferromagnetic alpha-Fe2O3/Pt Heterostructures
J. Fischer, M. Althammer, N. Vlietstra, H. Hübl, S. T. B. Goennenwein, R. Gross, S. Geprags, M. Opel
Physical Review Applied 13 (1), 14019 (2020).
We investigate the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) at room temperature in thin-film heterostructures of antiferromagnetic insulating (0001)-oriented alpha-Fe2O3 (hematite) and Pt. We measure their longitudinal and transverse resistivities while rotating an applied magnetic field of up to 17 T in three orthogonal planes. For out-of-plane magnetotransport measurements, we find indications for a multidomain antiferromagnetic configuration whenever the field is aligned along the film normal. For in-plane field rotations, we clearly observe a sinusoidal resistivity oscillation characteristic for the SMR due to a coherent rotation of the Neel vector. The maximum SMR amplitude of 0.25% is, surprisingly, twice as high as for prototypical ferrimagnetic Y3Fe5O12/Pt heterostructures. The SMR effect saturates at much smaller magnetic fields than in comparable antiferromagnets, making the alpha-Fe2O3/Pt system particularly interesting for roomtemperature antiferromagnetic spintronic applications.

Spin Transport in a Magnetic Insulator with Zero Effective Damping
T. Wimmer, M. Althammer, L. Liensberger, N. Vlietstra, S. Geprags, M. Weiler, R. Gross, H. Hübl
Physical Review Letters 123 (25), 257201 (2019).
Applications based on spin currents strongly rely on the control and reduction of their effective damping and their transport properties. We here experimentally observe magnon mediated transport of spin (angular) momentum through a 13.4-nm thin yttrium iron garnet film with full control of the magnetic damping via spin-orbit torque. Above a critical spin-orbit torque, the fully compensated damping manifests itself as an increase of magnon conductivity by almost 2 orders of magnitude. We compare our results to theoretical expectations based on recently predicted current induced magnon condensates and discuss other possible origins of the observed critical behavior.

High spin-wave propagation length consistent with low damping in a metallic ferromagnet
L. Flacke, L. Liensberger, M. Althammer, H. Hübl, S. Geprags, K. Schultheiss, A. Buzdakov, T. Hula, H. Schultheiss, E. R. J. Edwards, H. T. Nembach, J. M. Shaw, R. Gross, M. Weiler
Applied Physics Letters 115 (12), 122402 (2019).
We report ultralow intrinsic magnetic damping in Co25Fe75 heterostructures, reaching the low 10(-4) regime at room temperature. By using a broadband ferromagnetic resonance technique in out-of-plane geometry, we extracted the dynamic magnetic properties of several Co25Fe75-based heterostructures with varying ferromagnetic layer thicknesses. By measuring radiative damping and spin pumping effects, we found the intrinsic damping of a 26 nm thick sample to be alpha 0 less than or similar to 3.18x10-4. Furthermore, using Brillouin light scattering microscopy, we measured spin-wave propagation lengths of up to (21 +/- 1) mu m in a 26 nm thick Co25Fe75 heterostructure at room temperature, which is in excellent agreement with the measured damping.

Magnetoelasticity of Co25Fe75 thin films
D. Schwienbacher, M. Pernpeintner, L. Liensberger, E. R. J. Edwards, H. T. Nembach, J. M. Shaw, M. Weiler, R. Gross, H. Hübl
Journal of Applied Physics 126 (10), 103902 (2019).
We investigate the magnetoelastic properties of Co25Fe75 and Co10Fe90 thin films by measuring the mechanical properties of a doubly clamped string resonator covered with multilayer stacks containing these films. For the magnetostrictive constants, we find lambda Co25Fe75=(-20.68 +/- 0.25)x10-6 and lambda Co10Fe90=(-9.80 +/- 0.12)x10-6 at room temperature, in contrast to the positive magnetostriction previously found in bulk CoFe crystals. Co25Fe75 thin films unite low damping and sizable magnetostriction and are thus a prime candidate for micromechanical magnonic applications, such as sensors and hybrid phonon-magnon systems.

Exchange-Enhanced Ultrastrong Magnon-Magnon Coupling in a Compensated Ferrimagnet
L. Liensberger, A. Kamra, H. Maier-Flaig, S. Geprags, A. Erb, S. T. B. Goennenwein, R. Gross, W. Belzig, H. Hübl, M. Weiler
Physical Review Letters 123 (11), 117204 (2019).
We experimentally study the spin dynamics in a gadolinium iron garnet single crystal using broadband ferromagnetic resonance. Close to the ferrimagnetic compensation temperature, we observe ultrastrong coupling of clockwise and counterclockwise magnon modes. The magnon-magnon coupling strength reaches almost 40% of the mode frequency and can be tuned by varying the direction of the external magnetic field. We theoretically explain the observed mode coupling as arising from the broken rotational symmetry due to a weak magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The effect of this anisotropy is exchange enhanced around the ferrimagnetic compensation point.

Anomalous spin Hall angle of a metallic ferromagnet determined by a multiterminal spin injection/detection device
T. Wimmer, B. Coester, S. Geprags, R. Gross, S. T. B. Goennenwein, H. Hübl, M. Althammer
Applied Physics Letters 115 (9), 92404 (2019).
We report on the determination of the anomalous spin Hall angle in the ferromagnetic metal alloy cobalt-iron (Co25Fe75, CoFe). This is accomplished by measuring the spin injection/detection efficiency in a multiterminal device with nanowires of platinum (Pt) and CoFe deposited onto the magnetic insulator yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12, YIG). Applying a spin-resistor model to our multiterminal spin transport data, we determine the magnon conductivity in YIG, the spin conductance at the YIG/CoFe interface, and finally the anomalous spin Hall angle of CoFe as a function of its spin diffusion length in a single device. Our experiments clearly reveal a negative anomalous spin Hall angle of the ferromagnetic metal CoFe, but a vanishing ordinary spin Hall angle. This work, therefore, adds new observations to the results reported in Tian et al. [Phys. Rev. B 94, 020403 (2016)] and Das et al. [Phys. Rev. B 96, 220408(R) (2017)] , where the authors found finite contributions of the ordinary spin Hall angle in the ferromagnetic metals Co and Permalloy. Published under license by AIP Publishing.

Measurements and atomistic theory of electron g-factor anisotropy for phosphorus donors in strained silicon
M. Usman, H. Huebl, A.R. Stegner, C.D. Hill, M.S. Brandt, L.C.L. Hollenberg
Physical Review B 98, 35432 (2018).
This work reports the measurement of electron g-factor anisotropy (|Δg|=|g001−g1¯10|) for phosphorous donor qubits in strained silicon (sSi = Si/Si1−xGex) environments. Multimillion-atom tight-binding simulations are performed to understand the measured decrease in |Δg| as a function of x, which is attributed to a reduction in the interface-related anisotropy. For x<7%, the variation in |Δg| is linear and can be described by ηxx, where ηx≈1.62×10−3. At x=20%, the measured |Δg| is 1.2±0.04×10−3, which is in good agreement with the computed value of 1×10−3. When strain and electric fields are applied simultaneously, the strain effect is predicted to play a dominant role on |Δg|. Our results provide useful insights on the spin properties of sSi:P for spin qubits, and more generally for devices in spintronics and valleytronics areas of research.