25 November 2024
from 10:45
to 14:30
Onboarding event for new MCQST members, featuring a talk on mental health open to all MCQST community.
Address / Location
Ludwig Maximilian Universität München | Senatssaal (E106, E110), 1st floor
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
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Welcome to MCQST: Exploring new horizons!
We would like to warmly welcome all new members who have joined MCQST in the last few months and offer an overview of the many possibilities within MCQST and in the local quantum ecosystem, community, and various programes and opportunities available to you. After this short introduction, Aurelia Hack of Hack Corporate Health Consulting & Communication will offer a talk on mental health challenges in academia.
10:45 | Registration
11:00 | Meet the MCQST
11:40 | Coffee break
12:00 | Talk: "Beyond the Lab: Addressing Mental Health Challenges in the World of Academia"
13:00 | Get-together & lunch
Talk on mental health

Life in academia can be both rewarding and overwhelming. Whether you're an expat navigating a new country and/or a PhD or Postdoc student or a group leader working in the world of research: Academia brings unique mental health challenges.
The pressure to publish, unclear working hours and research setbacks can lead to high frustration and mental distress. In this talk, we’ll explore how these stressors can affect you, and discuss practical approaches to better manage your workload, improve your mental health, and restore balance between work and life. Afterward, join a Q&A to share insights and strategies with fellow academics.
About Aurelia Hack
Aurelia is founder and owner of Hack Corporate Health Consulting & Communication (HCHCC). As an industrial and organizational psychologist (M.Sc.) and specialist for Mental Health, the focus of her research and scientific work is on Mental Health at Work and the work trends of the future.
Together with her team, Aurelia advises client companies throughout Europe on establishing sustainable health management, with the focus on mental health or optimizing their existing corporate mental health management in order to protect the mental health of their employees.
Register below by 20.11 to attend the event!
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