1 December 2020
from 14:30
MCQST Colloquium Online | Vladan Vuletić - Lester Wolfe Professor of Physics, MIT.
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The MCQST Colloquium Series features interdisciplinary talks given by visiting international speakers. The monthly colloquial covers topics spanning all MCQST research units and are available to audiences worldwide. The main goal of the series is to create the framework for idea exchange, to strengthen links with QST leading groups worldwide, as well as to act as an integral part of the local educational environment.
MCQST Colloquium: Vladan Vuletić
On 1 December 2020 we are excited to invite you to attend the colloquium by Vladan Vuletić, Lester Wolfe Professor of Physics at MIT.

Entangled optical atomic clock
Entangled states of many particles can be used to overcome limits on measurements performed with ensembles of independent atoms (standard quantum limit). A particularly simple form of entanglement is spin squeezing, where the quantum noise for the variable of interest, e.g., the phase of an atomic clock, is redistributed into another variable. Spin squeezing can be generated by coupling the atomic ensemble to an optical cavity. We report the first sizeable spin squeezing on an optical clock transition. Using Yb atoms, the spin squeezing is generated in the electronic ground state, and then transferred onto the clock transition via the clock laser. I will also discuss prospects and limitations to use spin squeezing to improve both atomic clocks and general quantum sensors.Online talk
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