20 November 2025
from 19:15
to 20:15
Public talk by Prof. Dr. Harald Weinfurter (LMU München), part of a series highlighting the rich history of quantum physics up to the current exciting research.
Address / Location
LMU Fakultät für Physik | Großer Physikhörsaal H030
Schellingstr. 4
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Celebrating the
2025 International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, we are thrilled to partner with Faculty of Physics at the LMU München in co-organizing a captivating series of public talks. Join us on an enlightening journey, exploring the rich history of quantum theory, its foundational postulates, and the exciting frontiers of current research.
The key to secure communications
Prof. Dr. Harald Weinfurter | LMU München

However, the range is limited by the absorption of light in optical fibres. Future quantum networks will enable communication between quantum computers and efficient, secure key generation over long distances. Wonderful indeed, but there is still a long way to go.
The event is open to everyone interested in exploring quantum science. The public talk will be held in German. Admission is free.
We look forward to welcoming you to the event!