Quo vadis Quantum Computing?

2 February 2021
from 21:00 to 22:30

Quo vadis Quantum Computing? - the first Munich Quantum Stammtisch featuring experts in the field of quantum computing will premiere on February 3rd on our YouTube Channel.

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MCQST YouTube Channel

Munich Quantum Stammtisch

The Munich Quantum Stammtisch is a new series of live panel discussions where we set out to bring together regularly experts in the field of quantum science. Just like at a traditional “Stammtisch”, our guests will cover the latest in quantum science and technology in an informal atmosphere. Only difference is, this regular’s table will be online and streamed live on the MCQST YouTube channel.

Quo vadis Quantum Computing?

hosted by Ignacio Cirac

About a year ago, Google announced the achievement of quantum advantage with a quantum computer built with supercodundicting qubits. This result, together with previous ones obtained with other quantum computing platforms, like trapped ions, have triggered a lot of expectations and hopes not only in the scientific community, but also in the industry and media. However, are those hopes realistic? And, even more so, will quantum computers revolutionize our society in the next few years? Or, will we have first to go through a long quantum winter? What will be the impact of that in the industry, politics, and society in general? Also, from a scientific point of view, what are the most urgent questions to address? These and other questions will be discussed among world-leading experts on quantum computing at the first edition of the Munich Quantum Stammtisch.


  • Scott Aaronson | Texas University
  • Dorit Aharonov | Hebrew University
  • Rainer Blatt | University of Innsbruck, AQT
  • Mikhail Lukin | Harvard
  • John Martinis | University of California Santa Barbara, Silicon Quantum Computing

The series will premiere on 3 February at 21:00 on Youtube during the 24th Conference on Quantum Information Processing ( QIP2021), which MCQST is co-hosting.

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