13 December 2019
from 18:00
Join us for a quantum party celebration together with the MCQST Community.
Address / Location
Heppel & Ettlich
Feilitzschstraße 12
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Join us for the MCQST X-Mas Party to enjoy what’s sure to be a great night.

Winter holiday season is upon us and we would like to take this opportunity to bring together the MCQST community, which has become tighter and tighter over the course of this year.
We have a really great program lineup, which includes:
Quantum Pub Quiz
A pub quiz designed especially for the MCQST community, which includes categories such as Quantum History, QST in Pop Culture, Quantum Devives, just to name a few. Participants will be divided into teams, and the team with most correct answers will take home the pride of being the most knowledgeable team.

Papaya Ryders - live at the MCQST Quantum Xmas Party
The Papaya Ryders love to interpret rock, blues, and indie classics and shape their sound spectrum with drums, bass, guitar, and vocals - refined with a breeze of sax! The German-Italian-Austrian Ryders have their roots in the catacombs of the Munich student residences and are now sipping their Papaya Colada in the sun.
Physics conundrum with Matthias Mader
Are you up for a guessing challenge?
The informal get-together and celebration of 2019 includes great company, Glühwein, delicious punch, and pizza sponsored by MCQST. Additional drinks can be purchased at the bar.
Registration is now closed.