30 July 2024
from 14:00
to 16:00
MCQST Special Colloquium | Adam Kaufman (JILA, NIST)
Address / Location
MPI of Quantum Optics | Herbert Walther Lecture Hall
Hans-Kopferman-Straße 1
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The MCQST Colloquium Series features interdisciplinary talks given by visiting international speakers. The monthly colloquium covers topics spanning all
MCQST research units and will be broadcast live via Zoom for audiences worldwide. The main goal of the series is to create the framework for idea exchange, to strengthen links with QST leading groups worldwide, as well as to act as an integral part of the local educational environment.
MCQST Colloquium: Adam Kaufman
We are excited to invite you to the colloquium talk by Adam Kaufman (JILA).
14:00 | Teaser talk by Alexander Impertro (LMU München) on "Probing orbital degrees of freedom for the study of interacting topological matter"
14:15 | Coffee break
14:30 | Colloquium talk by Adam Kaufman on "Programmable control of indistinguishable particles: from clocks to qubits to many-body physics"
Programmable control of indistinguishable particles: from clocks to qubits to many-body physics

About Adam Kaufman
Adam Kaufman is a JILA fellow and Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. His work focuses on the use of microscopically-controlled systems of neutral atoms for applications in quantum information science.
Join in-person or via Zoom
Meeting ID: 998 9779 8115, Passcode: mcqst2024